Clinical Trials Case

EZOps provided a reliable and performant infraestructure for randomization and clinical trials supply management systems.
Ensuring performance in real-time monitoring diagnostics.

Clinicals Trials Case

Customer Testimonial

“Friendly, efficient, knowledgeable staff.
Responsiveness and flexibility.”

Implementation Benefits

  • Reliable Infrastructure
  • No Downtime Deployments
  • Automated unexpected scenarios recovery with application failover and rollbacks
  • Microservices: the creation of an automated independent environment for the development
  • Our solution follows the concept of infrastructure as a code
  • Alerts to develop team and users

Typical Use Cases

Scaling applications & Dockerizing
Expert AWS guidance and implementation
Microservices design
Cloud migration
Database tweaking and optimization
Blue/green deployments
CI/CD pipeline implementation
Re-architecture or Infrastructure design